What are the environmental protection and safety advantages of water-based inks?







Reduce resource consumption and environmental costs. Due to the inherent properties of water-based inks, which are high in homomorphs, they can be deposited on thinner ink films. Therefore, compared to solvent-based inks, it has a smaller coating amount (the amount of ink consumed per unit of printing area).
After testing, the amount of coating was reduced by about 10% compared to solvent-based inks. In other words, the consumption of water-based inks is reduced by about 10% compared to solvent-based inks for printing the same number and specification of printed matter.


Improve the safety of the working environment and ensure the health of the people who come into contact with it. Solvent-based inks are dangerous both in their manufacturing and when they are printed. Organic solvents and solvent-based inks themselves are flammable liquids, organic solvents are easily volatile, and explosive gas mixtures will be formed in the air, and explosions will occur when they encounter sparks after reaching the explosion limit concentration.


As a result, the risk of fire and explosion in the production environment is quite high. The use of water-based inks avoids such risks fundamentally.

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Post time: Apr-23-2024